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City of Antwerp

The City of Antwerp, Belgium One Family, One Plan

government of the basque country department of equality, justice and social policies, spain

Government of the Basque Country – Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Spain, Trapezistak Tightrope walkers

edenred europe, region of lombardy (italy), ministry of education (romania), ave romania, romania

Edenred Europe, Region of Lombardy (Italy), Ministry of Education (Romania), AVE Romania, Romania, Facilitating a Child’s Path to Education: Family and School Support


municipality of aarhus, denmark

Aarhus City Council – Department of Social Services, Denmark, Staircase to Staircase


Introducing the digital ecosystem: BRUCE, an integrated platform that embraces the engagement and interaction of all Brussels citizens (residents, businesses, visitors and commuters) and simplifies access to government services through an omnichannel approach. BRUCE acts as a unique point of contact for government services, thereby fostering more participation, more autonomy, simpler processes, and leading to an optimised experience for end-users and employees.