Anders Kühnau
Chairman of the Central Denmark Region Board

As father of three, the thing I wish for the most, is that they will have a great life and be able to get their wishes fulfilled.In their generation every other person can look forward to be turning 100 years old. That is possible, because the danes live healthier and because of our well-functioning healthcare system.
Unfortunately, every five person lives with a mental disorder. For that significant amount of people, it can effect directly on how many good years of life they will have. And the same goes for the citizens with the shortest education and the ones with no employment.
I wish for a society, where everyone can live a healthy life with many good years of life. We need to get everyone on board, and in order to do that, we need to look at every single citizen’s needs – both regarding healthcare and also regarding education and employment.
In my presentation I will focus on the importance of developing welfare technology that can be adjusted, so it will adapt to the citizen who needs it, and not the other way around. Additionally I will highlight how welfare technology can support the work of professionals and help to ensure that, in the future, there will still be time for relational work in the welfare state. Last I will focus on how the relational work between the professionals and the citizens also will become even more important when we need to bring in more technology in the services we provide.
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