Claude Kirchner
President, French National Digital Ethics Consultative Council (CCNEN), France

Claude Kirchner chairs the CCNE du numérique (French National Digital Ethics Consultative Council). He is director of research emeritus at Inria, the French National Research Institute For Digital Science And Technology, of which he was the scientific director from 2010 to 2014. He is also a member of Viginum’s Ethics and Scientific Committee and of the CNIL’s Foresight Committee.
He was a member of the French bioethics council from 2018 to 2023, a member of the ANSSI (Agence Nationale pour la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information) scientific council until 2022 and the first chairman of COERLE, Inria’s operational committee for legal and ethical risk assessment, and its scientific integrity referent until the end of 2018.
His scientific interests and contributions focus on the logical and semantic foundations for the design and implementation of reliable and secure digital systems, and their applications to cybersecurity.
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