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Duncan Dunlop

Independent Expert in Care System Reform and former CEEO Who Cares? Scotland



Duncan Dunlop is a qualified youth worker and an experienced chief executive who specialises in care system reform. Duncan has a wealth of knowledge, expertise and over 25 years’ experience of working with and for vulnerable young people in the UK, New Zealand, West Africa, post-communist Lithuania and post-conflict Western Balkans. He has always worked to support vulnerable young people to develop as individuals, but to also help them grow their societies, whether transitioning out of conflict or in poverty. 

For nearly a decade he was the Chief Executive of Who Cares? Scotland, which he transformed into a globally respected advocacy organization, refining its focus to boldly represent care experienced voice and champion their rights. He was the chief advocate with overall responsibility for over 2000 advocacy cases for children in care every year.

Duncan led the case for reforming care in Scotland which created the Scottish Care Review (2017). He was the expert independent adviser to the English Care Review (2022) and New Zealand Review (2015). Alongside care experienced people, he engaged political leaders to make sure the reform of care became a political priority on a par with climate change.

Duncan continues to support organisation’s from New Zealand to the UK to hold governments to account and refine their practice so children have the best chance to form life-long loving relationships.



duncan dunlop