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Nordic Day - Co-creation with older adults with a migrant background in age-friendly societies

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The Nordic Day is a free side event organised by the Nordic Welfare Centre in conjunction with the ESSC. Registration is open to delegates attending the full conference.

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Social Services Co-creation in Age-friendly Cities and Communities

The Nordic Welfare Centre, which coordinates the Nordic Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (NNAFCC), is hosting this year’s Nordic Day, which will discuss examples of age-friendly social services from Nordic cities with a focus on older adults with a migrant background.

Co-creation of social services with professionals, people using social services, their families and across sectors is an integral part of developing inclusive and sustainable future cities. This is even more so in the case of older people’s services and programmes. Specifically, co-creation with the most vulnerable older persons opens up questions of how best to reach out to them and in what ways to include and co-create programmes relevant for them in a respectful, sustainable and productive way.

Room: Okapi 3



  • Eva Franzén, Director, Nordic Welfare Centre, Sweden

Introduction to Nordic Day

  • Louise Scheel Thomasen, Senior Adviser, Nordic Welfare Centre, Sweden

The WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities:

  • Thiago Hérick de Sa, Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities Lead, World Health Organisation, Virtual Presentation

The Communication Compass – a Guide to facilitate Communication between the City of Oslo and Elderly Minorities

  • Unni Hembre, Assistant Director General, Department of Health, City of Oslo, Norway

Bridging Gaps in Age-friendly Uppsala

  • Kenny Jansson, Coordinator for Age-friendly Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden


Co-creating with Ethnic Minorities – addressing Elder Issues

  • Asim Latif, Social Innovation Specialist, Denmark 

Panel discussion with the three presenters

Concluding remarks

Coffee and mingle