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Presenters 2024

diana matteson
Diana Matteson

Director of International Programs & Development, Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc., United States

els van parys
Els Van Parys

1 Family, 1 Plan Project Coordinator, The City of Antwerp, Belgium

christian comsa
Christian Comsa

President at Romanian Private Schools Association, Romania

delphine chilese lemarinier
Delphine Chilese-Lemarinier

Head of EU Affairs, Edenred

fred fogg
Fred Fogg

National Director of Community Based Safety Initiatives, Youth Advocate Programs, (YAP) Inc., United States

marijke cassiers
Marijke Cassiers

Head of department of Welfare Opportunities, The City of Antwerp, Belgium

eduardo díaz nieto
Eduardo Diaz Nieto

Head of EU Affairs. Technical Development Unit, Agintzari Social Cooperative, Bogan Group, Spain

rafael lópez
Rafael Lopez-Arostegui

Advisor on social policies, Basque Government – Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Spain

amira bieber
Amira Bieber

Head of Department European Project Management, Pro Arbeit – Kreis Offenbach – (AöR) – Kommunales Jobcenter, Germany

bettina vonderheid
Bettina Vonderheid

Project Manager, Pro Arbeit – Kreis Offenbach – (AöR) – Kommunales Jobcenter, Germany

pernille randrup thomsen
Pernille Randrup Thomsen

Head of Department of Social Services, Aarhus City Council, Denmark

kevin o'donnell
Kevin O’Donnell

Regional Operations Manager, Carr Gomm, United Kingdom

lynne cahill
Lynne Cahill

Research Lead, Genio, Ireland

niamh lally
Niamh Lally

Director, Acton Research, Genio, Ireland

alana boone
Alana Boone

Social Policy Officer, City of Bruges, Belgium

adela sedat
Adela Setet

Centre for Training and Assessment in Social Work, Romania

amabel tonna
Amabel Tonna

Family Therapist & Senior Social Worker, Active Ageing and Community Care, Malta

marloes vooijs
Marloes Vooijs

Researcher, TNO Innovation for Life, The Netherlands

teresa martinez
Maria Teresa Martínez Rodríguez

Psychologist, CuidAs Project Coordinator, Regional Ministry of Social Services. Principality of Asturias, Spain

iuliana udrea
Iuliana Udrea

International Cooperation Advisor, National Authority for the Protection of Children Rights and Adoption, Romania

fotini marini
Fotini Marini

PhD – Head of the Social Welfare and Inclusion Hub at the Social Administration Research Lab, Social Administration Research Lab – University of West Attica, Greece

gabriel amitsis
Gabriel Amitsis

Professor – Director of the Social Administration Research Lab, Social Administration Research Lab – University of West Attica, Greece

liljana rihter
Liljana Rihter

Associate professor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work, Slovenia

nina mesl
Nina Mešl

Associate professor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work, Slovenia

florin lazar
Florin Lazar

Vice-president & Prof, CNASR (National College of Social Workers from Romania) and University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Romania

deirdre connolly
Deirdre Connolly

Programme Manager, Health and Social Care Standards, Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), Ireland

alejandro gil salmeron
Alejandro Gil Salmeron

Senior Researcher, International Foundation for Integrated Care, United Kingdom

pilar gangas
Pilar Gangas

Senior Researcher, International Foundation for Integrated Care, United Kingdom

anna lebey
Anna Lebey

Project Manager – Digital Inclusion, Bordeaux Metropole, France

emese viszoczky
Emese Viszoczky

Head of Regulatory and Monitoring Affairs, Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, Hungary

zorana uzelac
Zorana Uzelac Bošnjak

Head of the Department for social inclusion, planning, preparation and implementation of development projects in social protection, City of Zagreb, Croatia

georgia chimbani
Georgia Chimbani

Director of Adult and Community Services for Suffolk County Council, Rural Coffee Caravan, United Kingdom

britta krause
Britta Krause

Senior Policy Officer, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Equality of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

consuelo alfaro
Consuelo Alfaro

General Director for Social Services and Disability Care, Madrid City Council – Department of Social Policy, Family and Equality, Spain

sophie guennery
Sophie Guennery

Project Manager, Haute Autorité de Santé, France

francesca palmas
Francesca Palmas

Director, Study Centre ABC Brain Injured Children Association, Italy

christine marchand agius
Christine Marchand-Agius

Research Team Leader, Foundation for Social Welfare Services, Malta

trees de bruycker
Trees De Bruycker

Director of Social Services, City of Ghent – Public Centre for Social Welfare, Belgium

alison tingle
Alison Tingle

Research Fellow, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

xavier trabado
Xavier Trabado

Member of the board of directors of Taula del Tercer Sector, Taula del Tercer Sector (Catalonia’s Third Social Sector Platform), Spain

mark llewellyn
Mark Llewellyn

Professor of Health and Care Policy, Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care, University of South Wales

alberto serra
Alberto Serra

CEO, Visiion It for Social Development

agostino paganini
Agostino Paganini

Expert Consultant, Visiion IT for social Development

jahn sundin
Jahn Sundin

Product Manager, Tietoevry

carola winberg
Carola Winberg

Product Manager, Tietoevry

christoph bretgeld picture
Christoph Bretgeld

Co-Founder & Director of Strategy, Skilllab, Netherlands

image rintse van der werf
Rintse van der Werf
Head of Business, SkillLab, Netherlands
hamoon ekhtiari
Hamoon Ekhtiari

Chief Executive Officer, FutureFit AI 

akosua alagaratnam
Akosua Alagaratnam

Executive Director, First Work

massimo temussi
Massimo Temussi

General Director, Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

débora koatz
Débora Koatz

Researcher & Project manager, Avedis Donabedian Research Institute
Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

chiara magni
Chiara Magni
Administrative Assistant, ATS Bergamo – Department of Programming for the Integration of Healthcare Services with Social Services, Italy
maría jesús arellano ayala
María Jesús Arellano Ayala

Head of the Person-Centred Care Section, Regional Government of Navarra – Department for Social Rights, Spain

akosua alagaratnam
Akosua Alagaratnam

Executive Director, First Work

carola winberg
Carola Winberg

Product Manager, Tietoevry