- 16/06/2023 12:15-13:30
- Room: High 1
Led by:
Alfonso Lara-Montero, CEO, European Social Network
Languages: EN, DE, ES, FR, IT
Technology Enabled Care:
- Testimonial on Assisted-Living Technology, Jane Velkovski, Disability Advocate, North Macedonia
- Ted Talk on AI for homeless youth, Anamika Barman Adhikari, Associate Professor, University of Denver, USA
Becky Faith, Digital Cluster Leader, Institute of Development Studies, The United Kingdom
Roko Kursar, First Deputy Mayor of Malmö, Sweden
Tom Meeuws, Alderman responsible for social affairs, poverty reduction, community building, social economy, environment and religious services, Antwerp City Council, Belgium
Dana Carmen Bachmann, Head of Unit, Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, with responsibility for social protection policies, European Commission