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Series of 4 short ‘elevator-pitch’ presentations on projects related to the conference theme. Delegates are invited to follow up on the presentations with the presenters during the networking breaks.

Moderator: Jane Dudman, Freelance Journalist, Event Chair & Consultant

Languages: EN, DE, ES, FR, IT


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Digital Tool to Support Minimum Income Beneficiaries

Minimum income beneficiaries often need more than financial support to ensure their inclusion in the community. Gironde Council (France) is investing in a digital platform, which will represent a single tracking tool for all services involved in the support of minimum income beneficiaries including case managers and advisers from social services, employment services, and public planning services. Beneficiaries will have access to the platform and will be involved in its design, too.

Organisation: Gironde County Council, France

Presenter: Céline Brard, Project Manager, Gironde County Council

Languages: FR

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Collaborative approach for Advocacy in Health and Social Care Online Training

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) in Ireland has developed online learning courses for health and social care staff to improve their understanding and knowledge of advocacy, and to translate this knowledge into practice so that people who use services receive higher quality care and support. Through this presentation of the online course on the fundamentals of advocacy, attendees will gain insight into how HIQA staff collaborate in a meaningful way throughout the process, highlighting the benefits and some of the challenges.

Organisation: Health and Information Quality Authority, Ireland

Presenter: Cathy Duggan, Standards Development Lead, Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA)

Languages: EN

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Zaintel: Digital Care for Carers

Zaintel is a programme within the Social and Health Strategy of the Basque Country Government to support carers and help families with dependent persons with their provision of care. Zaintel aims to improve the quality of life of carers and their relatives in a situation of dependency and/or disability, providing personalised information on resources, services and programmes, advice on care, guidelines to promote the well-being and self-care of carers, emotional and psychological support.

Organisation: Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Regional Government of the Basque Country, Spain

Presenter: Marian Olabarrieta, Director of Social Services, Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Regional Government of the Basque Country, Spain

Languages: ES

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VR for Adults with Autism

When collaborating with people with disabilities virtual reality (VR) can be used to work on areas such as communication, relationship building and anxiety. Since 2019, Specialist Area Autism (Denmark) has explored how VR technology can be used as a tool for collaborating on some of the difficulties that adults with autism often experience. The results of the project found four clear cases that show concrete results of the benefits of using VR technology in collaboration with people with disabilities. Attendees will learn how VR technology can be used as a good framework for building relationships between social workers and people with autism.

Organisation: Region of Central Denmark, Denmark

Presenter: Mads Aarup, Consultant, Central Denmark Region, Specialist Area Autism, Denmark