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Assistant Professor in Social Work at University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.



Mara Sanfelici is Assistant Professor in Social Work at UNIMIB (Department of Sociology and Social Research), where she teaches Social Work Foundation and International Social Work. She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Sociology and Methodology of Social Research and previously worked for several years as a health social worker, as well as being the leading researcher at the National Foundation of Social Workers, participating in several mix-method studies involving social workers (on clients aggression, policy practice, palliative care, social work in context of emergency). Currently, her main research topics are: social work in personal and collective crises, parenting in poverty, and the use of digital media for social work practice and education. She is currently collaborating with the UNIMIB “Centre for digital well-being” in a mix-method study on the use of digital media by parents and children.