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Co-creation and Community Development

Co-creation is a crucial strategy for organisational change, fostering resilience and innovation. By involving the relevant agencies, the workforce and peoples using services in design, delivery and evaluation, organisations can harness diverse perspectives and expertise, leading to more effective and adaptable solutions. Co-creation promotes a sense of ownership and commitment among participants, enhancing morale and collaboration. This collective approach is particularly crucial in times of crisis, ensuring that the responses are well-rounded, addressing real-time challenges while also paving the way for sustainable, long-term improvements.

At this session, we will understand the importance of making organisations more human-centric so services can be reorganised to better respond to the needs of people and communities. This is particularly relevant in context of emergencies caused by migration flows fleeing the war or climate change disasters, examples of which the audience will learn about in this plenary. The inclusive approach promoted by co-creation ensures that responses are grounded in the real needs and experiences of those directly impacted, fostering more effective and sustainable strategies.

Presentation Language: English

Interpretation Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch


alfonso lara montero bw

Chief Executive Officer, European Social Network


essc 2024 speakers website

Founder, Transition Collective, Denmark

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Deputy Minister for Social Services Digital Transformation, Ukraine


Founding Director, Nurture Development, Ireland

angela blanchard

Expert Practitioner in Community Development and Long-term Resettlement, USA