Medirent's pivotal role in Ukraine's digital transformation, particularly through projects like the Unified Information System of the Social Sphere (UISSS), showcases the efficacy of public-private partnerships in driving digital innovation
Punt Welzijn in Weert and Nederweert effectively enhances community livability and social cohesion through Hoplr's online platform, revolutionizing neighborhood engagement and support systems.
Empowering job seekers with the padaCura App! Addressing reduced earning capacity, this innovative tool provides personalized assessments and immediate feedback, revolutionizing support at the job center.
TNO's study at the 2023 European Social Services Conference reveals the transformative impact of Cognitive Support Technology (CST) for individuals with intellectual disabilities seeking employment.
Amid COVID-19 challenges, Tusla's Child Safeguarding Training took center stage, transitioning seamlessly from traditional to virtual learning.
The City of Malmö has been at the forefront of digitalization efforts by implementing social work-programmes empowering possibilities of self-service, efficient communication through digital apps & chat services.
Conference partner, Deloitte will share their insights during the ESN conference on June 15th, focusing on how governments can create digital enablers to support citizens facing multiple barriers.
The new proactive model of social care which relies on integrated data, better risk modeling & personalized care enables front line workers to reduce the need for crisis support.
Maintaining awareness of data protection regulations is crucial when designing digital-based social services.
Conference partner, Accenture shares how embracing digitalisation enables agencies to proactively intervene at an earlier stage and achieve improved outcomes for the people they serve.