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By Rainer Binder, Managing Director – Global Social Services Lead, Accenture. The pressures on social services agencies continue to intensify. The pandemic, of course, created a surge in demand for
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By Dr. Ines Pamperl, Head of Medical Services, Youth and Family Office, City of Graz. All forms of assistance provided are based on actual client needs. The approach is designed
household services
3 Questions to Jonas Fluchtmann, Economist in the Social Policy Division at the OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS), co-writer of the report.
family social services
Social services programs are necessary in providing children and families with the benefits and supports they need to thrive in their communities.
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By Ian Ryan, Global Head, SAP Institute for Digital Government. As Social Services organisations increasingly adopt artificial intelligence (AI), a crucial consideration with building AI systems relates to human decision-makers’
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By Rainer Binder, Managing Director – Global Social Services Lead, Accenture. Employers in all sectors are struggling to find the talent they need.
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By James Higgins (Eurofound). Eurofound is currently running the latest round of its Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey to document how life has changed during the pandemic and gauge opinion
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By Ryan van Leent & Ian Ryan, SAP. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is underpinning the next technology revolution. This is a revolution that offers huge potential benefits for Social Services.
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By Dr. Lars Schulhoff, Head of Department, Authority for Work, Social Affairs, Family and Integration, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
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This article is based on Eurofound’s note for the European Parliament, prepared in March 2022 by Hans Dubois, Agnès Parent-Thirion and Eleonora Peruffo, Eurofound.