Time to reassess what it is like to live in Europe

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By James Higgins (Eurofound).

Eurofound is currently running the latest round of its Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey to document how life has changed during the pandemic and gauge opinion on how to meet challenges, old and new.

Delivering AI Programmes in Social Services

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By Ryan van Leent & Ian Ryan, SAP.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is underpinning the next technology revolution. This is a revolution that offers huge potential benefits for Social Services.

Taking a data led approach to help Vulnerable People


It’s a fact that’s impossible to ignore: public services are under constant pressure to do more with less. The global pandemic that we experienced in the past 18 months has further exacerbated the situation,

The economic argument for community care

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Is it possible to get value for money when investing in community care? That was the question discussed at the “Economics of Community Care’ plenary session of the European Social Services Conference organised by the European Social Network (ESN) on 30 June and 1 July 2021.