Thematic Panel Discussions
Thematic Panel Discussions

Britta Krause, Senior Policy Officer, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Equality of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, Implementing the UN CRPD through Participation Managers.
Sophie Guennery, Project Manager, Haute Autorité de Santé, France & Aylin Ayata, Project Manager, Haute Autorité de Santé, France, Fostering self-determination and citizenship development for people with disabilities.
Francesca Palmas, Director, Study Centre ABC Brain Injured Children Association, Italy, Promoting Independent Living in the Community.
Consuelo Alfaro, General Director for Social Services and Disability Care, Department of Social Policy, Family and Equality, Madrid City Council, Spain, Independent Living for all.
Massimo Temussi, General Director, Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy, SIISL Information System for Social and Work Inclusion
Peter Samyn, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Federal Public Service Social Security, Federal Public Service Social Security, Belgium, Working in the Arts– Participation project – Reform of the artists’social and administrative statute
Débora Koatz, Researcher & Project manager, Avedis Donabedian Research Institute, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), IPS (Individual Placement and Support): a tailored approach to employment
Spela Zalokar, Senior Project Manager, European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), Co-creating Innovative Solutions for Inclusive Social Care and Employment
Alison Tingle, Research Fellow, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, ‘A lifeline’ or ‘being shoved on the scrapheap’: The Complex Use of Digital Technologies for Social Wellbeing
Christine Marchand-Agius, Research Team Leader, Foundation for Social Welfare Services, Malta, The Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS) Case Management System:
A Digital Solution for Social Inclusion
Trees De Bruycker, Director of Social Services, City of Ghent – Public Centre for Social Welfare, Belgium, Digicoaches approach in Ghent
Xavier Trabado, Member of the board of directors, Taula del Tercer Sector (Catalonia’s Social Third Sector Platform), Spain, Civic radar of AI and other automated decision-making processes in public administration: Third sector efforts to enhance universal access to social rights
Nuno Silva Marques, Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Portugal, Improving working conditions for long-term care workforce – what works in practice?
Linnéa Annetorp Melander, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Sweden, The Elderly Care Initiative
Sylvain Renouvel, Director, Federation of European Social Employers, EU sectoral social partners for Social Services Initiatives for improving working conditions
This project addresses the fragmented delivery of support to families and children facing complex challenges, including obstacles in accessing appropriate help, lack of coordination amongst providers, and an inability to address diverse needs. In response, the One Family One Plan partnership in Greater Antwerp seeks to enhance regional cooperation across sectors to ensure timely, continuous, and effective care for families with children and young individuals aged 0 to 25.
Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP) is dedicated to combatting violence in communities, particularly in high-risk areas. YAP’s holistic approach targets root causes like social and economic inequality. The organisation collaborates with the entire community, including youth, families, business and civic leaders, and law enforcement, to create personalised responses to improve individual and community wellbeing.
The TRAPEZISTAK Programme addresses the vulnerability and risk of social exclusion faced by migrant young people without a family network. It implements a personalised support model through social accompaniment and intersectoral cooperation, serving as a ‘one-stop-shop’ to enhance the social inclusion and transition to adulthood of young migrants leaving alternative care in the Basque Country.
Education is a crucial element to build the future of our societies. Investments in this field are essential to allow all children to have access to decent and basic learning conditions. Creating a level-playing field for all pupils is needed to provide strong roots for better development of future generations.
The National Emergency Support Mechanism (NERM), established in 2021 to address child protection and the conditions to receive unaccompanied children in Greece, developed an integrated action plan to identify, trace and provide care for unaccompanied children. They also improved coordination among child protection agencies in Greece through common protocols, procedures, and referral pathways to transform the way the needs of unaccompanied children are now addressed.
In order to alleviate high turnover and burnout among social services staff in demanding roles, especially in the context of escalating conflict, the Central Denmark Region has designed workshops to prioritise the staff’s mental and physical well-being. During this session, delegates will participate in training exercises to learn techniques, strategies, and practical skills they can use in conflict situations, whilst acknowledging the emotional demands of social services work.